Tari Hartman Squire

EIN SOF Communications (EIN SOF)

Tari Hartman Squire, EIN SOF Communications (EIN SOF)

Tari Hartman Squire ‘s EIN SOF Communications is a leading disability-focused strategic marketing woman-owned business, specializing in branding, employment consultation and qualitative market research for public, private and non-profit sector clients like AT&T, Apple, Bank of America, Oath and Universal Home Entertainment. The hallmark of EIN SOF’s critically-acclaimed initiatives is that it weaves sophisticated cause-related, social and/or guerilla marketing into innovative PR initiatives, illuminating disability-inclusive diversity strategies across a variety of sectors, specializing in media. As Founding Executive Director of the Media Access Office, she established industry/disability advisory committees, casting clearinghouse, talent showcases, technical assistance, script consultation, media advocacy, and produced the Media Access Awards (started by Norman Lear, Fern Field and Loreen Arbus). Today, in partnership with Loreen Arbus and over 100 collaborators nation-wide, Tari produces Lights! Camera! Access! 2.0 Career Exploration Summits. Tari received her Master’s Degree from the University of Southern California and her Bachelors of Science Degree from the California State University, Northridge.

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